+353 (0) 87-970-2741

Strategic Copywriting and Content Writing


What I do

I’m a multidisciplinary freelance writer and editor with 20 years of strategic writing experience.  I work remotely or on site for global organisations as well as small and medium-sized businesses.

Content development

I offer strategic content writing for small and large organisations: blogs, web content & SEO, content audits, tech writing, manager toolkits, and marketing material.


Proposal writing

I develop win themes and strategies for high-value tenders, translating customer requirements into clear, tailored value propositions and compliant bid submissions.


One-stop writing shop for ads, newsletters, sales campaigns, newspaper and feature writing, landing pages, press releases & backgrounders, white papers, case studies, social media strategies, and more.

Communications Training/Coaching

I offer training group and individual courses and coaching for writing for the web, business writing, and more.

Editing and proofreading

Professional stylistic and substantive editing and proofreading, adapted to target audiences.

Photography & book layout

I offer commercial product photography, portraits, and pets as well as book layout for print and Kindle.

Generating New Ideas. Solving Content Problems

I create strong, reliable long-term partnerships with local Irish and international organisations, whether you’re an SME or a multinational. 

€ in new business won with mproved proposal content

years of writing and editing experience

more clients through the years

Cups Of Coffee (and more)

Why hire a copywriter

For small businesses, I can:

  • Produce creative, persuasive text that sells your products and services
  • Create long-form and short form blogs
  • Improve your search-engine rankings (SEO) and develop a social media strategy 
  • Develop ad concepts, web content, and brochures/newsletters (print/web)
  • Proofread your materials and fix structural, spelling and grammar errors
  • Edit, restructure or rewrite your material to refine your ideas and message

For large organisations, I can:

  • Generate winning proposals and bid submissions
  • Produce clear, effective client-facing marketing materials, user guides, and communications
  • Engage employees with creative content for intranets and newsletters
  • Enhance your executive visibility and clarify business priorities
  • Create clear, strategic change management communication plans
  • Provide communication toolkits and editorial calendars for initiative

“A word after a word after a word is power”

– M. Atwood

Recent Work


I've worked for 6 years with multinational giant Google Workspace, embedded in the InfoX team

Freelance copywriting for Ignitus

Close partnership with agile digital transformation organisation IgnitusAI, providing marketing services on an ongoing basis.

Proudly working closely for 3+ years with leading higher education solution Terminalfour and their new product BetterExaminations.

Let’s Start Something new
Talk to me about your project

I’m excited to hear your business story. Let’s talk about how we can enrich it.

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